Find Your Home !


If you're looking for your dream home or a new investment property, you've come to the right place!


My goal is to sell your property as fast as possible while keeping your best interests in mind


Tenants and landlords are welcome! I want to make sure you find the perfect match to meet your needs and expectations.

Contact Me

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I agree to be contacted by the Platinum Realty - Lee's Summit office via call, email and/or text. To opt out, you can reply "stop" at any time or click the unsubscribe link in the emails. Message and data rates may apply. View Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you'd like to unsubscribe click here.


"I had the pleasure of working with Patricia who truly exceeded all my expectations. Not only did she sell my house for over the listed asking price, but also went above and beyond to ensure that the entire selling process was smooth and stress-free. Her expertise in staging the house perfectly resulted in receiving an offer in less than two days! I am incredibly grateful for her dedication, professionalism, and commitment to achieving the best outcome for me as a seller. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to buy or sell a property. Thank you for your outstanding service!"

- The Clarks

"Patricia was incredible! Very responsive and extremely knowledgeable. She helped us negotiate and helped us win a bidding war! She had our back the whole way and found us our perfect first home!"


"Patricia was awesome help with getting our first home. From being able to break down the process in a way I could understand and being able to communicate quickly. Loved how she was always willing to fight for homes or deals that we wanted in a home."

- info54276


Affordability Calculator

Use this calculator to determine how much house you can afford. By entering details about your income, down payment, and monthly debts, you can estimate the mortgage amount that works with your budget.

You can afford a house up to
{{user.details.affordableValue | currency:undefined:0}}
Based on your income, a house at this price should fit comfortably within your budget. Based on your income, a house at this price may stretch your budget too thin.
{{user.details.payment | currency:undefined:0}}/mo
$ %

$ /year %
$ /year

$ /month

Mortgage Calculator

$ %
$ /year %
$ /year
$ /month
Your Payment {{user.details.yourPayment|currency:undefined:0}}
  • {{labels[0]}}: {{data[0]|currency:undefined:0}}
  • {{labels[1]}}: {{data[1]|currency:undefined:0}}
  • {{labels[2]}}: {{data[2]|currency:undefined:0}}
  • {{labels[3]}}: {{data[3]|currency:undefined:0}}
  • {{labels[4]}}: {{data[4]|currency:undefined:0}}

Leave a message for Patricia

Want to take the next step?
I agree to be contacted by the Platinum Realty - Lee's Summit office via call, email and/or text. To opt out, you can reply "stop" at any time or click the unsubscribe link in the emails. Message and data rates may apply. View Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you'd like to unsubscribe click here.